Exhibition Proposal 12/03/19

1. A brief outline of the kind of work you expect to be making for the exhibition and a timescale for its completion.

  • October – December: research, photographs, sketches and working on the large canvases
  • January – March: finishing my paintings for the degree show and experimenting with different ways of exhibiting my work. Making maquettes in order to have an actual presentation three-dimensional
  • March – the degree show: putting everything together for the best possible result

2. Specify any specialist technical assistance you anticipate needing with either the manufacture or display of your work.

Whatever the final idea of the presentation is going to be I will need assistance to manufacture the structure that will hold the canvas.

Also, I still have not decided whether to include audio with the final artwork. But if I am going to include other media I will need technical assistance with the installation of a surrounding system. Most probably sound rather than image projecting.

3. Specify the type of space (size, walls, daylight, subdued light etc.) that you anticipate needing.

For the circular installation (see images below) I will need a central space of about 16 square meters.

If the daylight is not great in the room (due to the closure of the windows) I might install a few spotlights.

4. If the intended display is complex please include drawn plans or info about how the work will be displayed.

Here’s are some photographs of the most dominant idea I have at the moment of how I compute to exhibit the painting.

Maquette of the most possible way of exhibiting:


6. List of audio-visual equipment required, if any.

Spotlights in the case the lighting is not sufficient

Two audio speakers with the rest of the equipment that will need  (if decided to include them)

7. An estimate costing the materials or equipment required for your exhibition.

A meeting with Dallas and Nigel was made to discuss this display in terms of cost, technical perimeters, timescale, materials, and design. The cost will be around £250.

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