Research and thoughts about my degree show artwork.

As I was researching and planning the work I was going to develop in my last year I came across an exhibition of Tony Oursler and Mike Kelley at the Pompidou Centre, Paris. What got my interest was not the subject matter of the artwork, but the way it was presented.

The installations that attracted my interest in are made out of paintings which are free standing in space and are used partially as screens to project images and videos on. The result is a combination of a solid, frozen, traditional medium which is the acrylic painting on wood and a contemporary, active, unfixed aspect which is the video with sound.

At this moment I am thinking of incorporating this idea for my final piece exhibited at the end of year degree show. To produce a long painting with different scenes with edited videos projected on them.

Installations from Tony Oursler, The Poetics Project, 1977-1997

The Poetics Project 1977-1997
11 videotapes, NTSC, digitized color, stereo sound, (English), 5 ‘to 226’ 14 paintings (acrylic on wood), 2 objects / sculptures, (fiberglass), 1 pyramidal sculpture (wood), 11 projectors, 6 speakers, 1 sound organ, 1 audio CD (English),
Collection Georges Pompidou Center, Paris (France)

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