The most influential concepts I have gained from the Key Concept lecture series with a brief, but specific, description of how this has influenced my practice.

“The Everyday”

The “The Everyday” key concept theme was about Art’s reflection on a person’s life and becoming a description of your everyday events: A diary made of painting and sketches. The highlights of your day turned into comics.

My personal work is based on life moments. I am trying to depict the “essence” of an event from a photograph or a memory as accurate and alive as possible. I am very interested in small details that concern the person that I have chosen to depict and furthermore the relationship that I have with that prerson. My family members are more than my models. They are also MY everyday life.

This key concept gave my ideas on how to develop my practice. Until now I have been making pieces that there were showing a frozen moment in time, Fractions of life. but after investigating these concepts I am going to incorporate new directions in my work. Keeping the long canvas I am going to blend different events together in complex compositions as a depiction of a story and a journal.

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